Nichijou 26 (Final): The Simple Things


And just like that, my Nichijou posts have come back from hiatus to talk about the last episode; much like Nano’s sudden overjoy over the prospect of ridding of that giant key on her back once and for all.

Final impressions on the series as a whole to follow…

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Usagi Drop: The Manga / Spring & Summer 2011 At A Glance


As much as Rin and Daikichi are engrossed in their respective choices of literature, I decided to pick up the Usagi Drop manga and haven’t been able to put it down lately. Does that explain why some shows on my blog reel are a bit behind, like Sacred Seven and Ikoku Meiro no Croisee? Well, partly.

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Nichijou 17: Asymmetry


Yukko continues her facepalm streak from last week and gets caught by yet another troll by Mai. Isn’t it hard to walk with that left foot raised so high, though? And when it comes to attention to detail, she even had bird feed inside of the stilt. It’s a wonder that Mai manages to keep doing things like this and still get by with school. Poor Yukko.

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Nichijou 16: T is for Tall


Have you ever ordered an espresso from a coffee shop and thought it was going to be an actual cup of coffee? If not, then you may not have resonated with Yukko’s palmface upon its disappointing size and bitter taste. But then again, espresso has its own origins, so shame on Yukko for not understanding or asking about details prior to ordering!

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Nichijou + Whiteboard Trolling

Had some friends over. Made some takoyaki (well, one person did and we all enjoyed it), watched some anime (and a little bit of Mikunopolis for nostalgia’s sake), and drew on one of my whiteboards. As if nyan-cat wasn’t already awesome, the Nichijou reference took it a step further in hilarity. Curious about why the hand is pointing downward? Check this out:

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Nichijou 10: Flowing Noodles

Poor Annaka. All she wanted was some noodles on a nice, summer day at the neighborhood park. Is that so much to ask for?

(Would have been even better if that was Tsukasa getting trolled. Balsamic vinegar would be used instead of cold water, and the noodles would be a chocolate cornet. Oh Lucky Star, how I’ve missed you.)

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Nichijou 05: Shamans like Frappes

What’s better than a blind, female shaman that eats greasy McDonald’s fries, sips a Starbucks latte, manages a Tamagotchi, and rocks out to tunes on her pink 2nd-generation iPod nano? A blind, female shaman that has all of that, plus trolls Nakanojo (mohawk kid) for 5,000 yen for summoning, of all things, soap. I hope I’m not the only one thinking Nakanojo has some sort of trick up his sleeve to try and get the hair on the side of his head to grow (back?).

(The show continues to maintain its pension for absolute randomness. And trolling. Everyone loves trolls at Kyoto Animation)

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Nichijou 03: Dumb and..

This week’s loser award is reclaimed by Yuuko as she tries yet unsurprisingly fails at doing her homework, arm wrestling against Mai, negotiating for answers, and keeping secrets. She’s her own Dumb and Dumber but without the need for two people. Seriously, who has room in their school bag to tote a karaoke mic, broccoli and cauliflower, 30%-off ground beef, an apple, a whole bag of rice? I guess that’s why 1) Yuuko is terrible with anything involving academics because of the lack of academic materials in her book bag, and 2) Mai doesn’t snap her arm off after losing 23 rounds in a row of arm wrestling.

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Nichijou 02: Rollcake and Fail

Highlights this week? Nano’s rollcake coming out of her arm, and Mio taking the lead in number of fails per episode. For being the alpha of the trio, it was refreshing to see her life get turned upside down so many times.

Speaking of rollcake, I haven’t had some since Valero’s bakery in San Diego. Mocha flavor filling is always the best!

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